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#007 Bent Tretrahedron 2

This is a tetrahedron, made with steam bent struts, one of a set of six. Each node has two crystals, inner and outer, and is lit with five LED's. Each crystal has a Flower Of Life graphic at it's base, infusing the light passing through the crystal. The current for the LED's flows through the enameled copper wire coils on each node. The current orientation, and the winding of the coils, produces a magnetic field along the axis of the crystals, pointing toward the focal point of the energy structure. The platform in the middle holds objects at the focal point, and contains a Flower Of Life graphic over copper foil.

The quartz crystals are Brazilian.

The materials are Madrone, Glass, Brass, and Copper.

The power is about 4 watts from a wall transformer.

The dimensions are 15" x 15" x 18" tall.


Here are two pictures of the overall piece:



Here are detail pictures: